You should not apply for funding from JK Angel Investors unless you can answer yes to all of the following questions:
- Are you a client or consumer facing business that is in the technology space?
- Do you have a minimum viable product or prototype with proof of concept?
- Do you have initial traction with active paying or non-paying users?
- Do you have more than one full time team member?
1. Elevator Pitch
- A quick one-liner summary that combines your vision/product and the mission of your company
2. Momentum, Traction, Expertise
- Timeline and milestones to date
- Growth metrics
- Highlight existing press, partnerships, awards
- Success stories and/or testimonials
3. Market Opportunity: Market size & customer base
- Market: What business/space you are in?
- Total Market Size: Dollar Size, Your Place/Niche
- Customers: Clearly define exactly who you serve
- Macro Trends & Insights
4. Problem & Current Solutions: What need do you fill? Other solutions
- Define the real problem/need you’re solving, and for who.
- Who else is already doing this, and how are they going about it and what are they not getting right or doing wrong?
5. Product or Service: Your solution
- Tell the story of your customer and how customers use/value your product or service
- Show product images – URL – ios – Andoid links
6. Business Model: Key Revenue Streams
- Who is your primary customer & how do you make money
- What is the pricing / model
- Revenue and # of customers to date
- Show basic math on revenues and conversion rates
- Life-time value of an average Customer (How many months, how many dollars?)
7. Market Approach & Strategy: How you grow your business
- Where are your customers looking today and finding help?
- Where will you get in front of them?
- How will you achieve your target growth rates?
- What are the most important and unique channels and methods you will use to find and win customers?
- How are you doing it differently than others in the space?
8. Team & Key Stakeholders (Investors, Advisors)
- Highlight key team members and their prior positions, successes, domain expertise
- Demonstrate relevant experience
- Which roles are the keys to success in your company/space?
9. Financials
- Include 3-5 years of financial projections
- Mention key & critical assumptions in your model of expenses, customer conversion, market penetration %
- Highlight each of these Yearly for at least 3 years:
- Total Customers
- Total Revenue
- Total Expense
10. Competition
- Where do you exist in the larger overall Market Space?
- What are your Advantages?
- How is your place in the market unique to you, and the right one for your company growth and customers?
- Who are the competitors, why have they succeeded, and how do you truly differentiate from them?
11. Investment: Your ‘Ask’ for funding, Basic use of funds
- State how much Capital you are raising, and with what general Terms: Equity, Debt, Convertible Note
- What is the timing of your Capital raise?
- Who are your existing & notable investors, if any?
- What are your key Use of Proceeds (as % of total raise)
- Founder salaries
- Sales & Marketing
- New hires
- Technology / Product or Service development
- Capital expenses / equipment